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  • About covering important issues such as green spaces, leisure, traffi­c, transport, schools, social and economic needs and priorities, as well as any local housing needs
  • Your chance to influence what your neighbourhood will look like in the future: it will be much more effective than any late-stage objections to developments on a case-by-case basis
  • A document (it has legal weight!), covering 2026-2036, that Wokingham Borough Council must take into consideration when planning future development for the village
  • Currently in production by Charvil Parish Council and local volunteers, led by a steering group
  • Guided by the response of local residents to a community survey, which is then the subject of a local referendum before being adopted
  • To establish the vision and policies needed for shaping any future development of Charvil, while balancing the needs of the local community, the wider neighbourhood and surrounding areas

Please read on and learn how you can help or get involved.

How is a Neighbourhood Plan Created?

  • Local opinions canvassed via questionnaire, meetings, workshops etc
  • Steering group analyses the data collected from residents, planning experts and other relevant bodies to form the basis of the plan
  • Local policies are drawn up in the light of this information
  • The Steering Group drafts the Neighbourhood Plan
  • Legal consultation on the draft Neighbourhood Plan
  • Draft Plan submitted to Wokingham Borough Council
  • Charvil votes on adopting the Neighbourhood Plan
  • If approved by Wokingham Borough Council, the Neighbourhood Plan becomes a Legal Document

Boundary map and Neighbourhood area