Charvil Neighbourhood Plan Young Peoples’ Survey
Please help us develop a new ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ for Charvil
by completing all, some (or just one!) question(s) so that we can find out what is important for YOU.
Neighbourhood Planning is:
- planning for our community and not just for houses!
- establishes the vision and planning policies for the use and development of land, amenities and facilities in our neighbourhood.
- led by the local community
- see also
Developing the Neighbourhood plan is complicated and will take a mix of skills, knowledge and expertise from everyone who lives here. Any help would be appreciated! If you have some time to help please can you give your details below or by contacting the Clerk to the Council (email: ) or call 0118 901 7719
Data Protection Statement – small print about how we will keep your data
The information you gave is collected in accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended). By returning this form you consent to Charvil Parish Council holding and using your information in this way. The information you have given – without personal/email addresses, and telephone numbers – will be available for public inspection and published on line in accordance with the Act stated above.
When the survey is closed the Council will submit all comments to the Examiner in a secure manner, this will include any personal data you have supplied. Data will be processed and held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 (and any updates). Data will be kept securely until the Neighbourhood Plan is superseded or by the end of the plan period (April 2036) whichever is the earlier.
More data protection Information is on the Wokingham Borough Council website.