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Charvil Today

  • Despite its position on major thoroughfares and close to major population centres, the pie chart shows that Charvil has retained a generally rural character 
  • This is probably because the majority of the parish area is subject to flooding (including the nature and public access segment shown) 
Charvil Parish Land use
Charvil Land Use
  • It is also apparent that very little of the parish that is not subject to flooding now remains undeveloped (10% of the parish). This lies in north Charvil and to the south of the railway bridge 
  • Existing public facilities and services are shown in the maps.
  • What do you think is missing?  Complete the survey.

Charvil Geography & Demographics

  • The parish of Charvil covers an area of 354 hectares (approximately 875 acres). The parish from the Thames to the boundary with Hurst is approximately 2 ½ miles and on average 2/3rd of a mile wide. The parish represent about 2% of the geographic area of Wokingham.
  • According to the 2011 census the population of Charvil was 3042, (a 2016 estimate by the ONS revised this upwards to 3165) this represent 2% of the total population of Wokingham. The 2011 census also records there being 1131 dwellings within the parish forming 1097 households.
  • A summary of Key Demographic and Geographic Statistics are presented below in Table 1.
  • Three further graphs characterise the demographics of the village and further analysis based on the 2011 census.
    • Graph 1. Charvil population by age this graph presents the age distribution of the village in 2011 here we can potentially recognise various broad groups.
    • Graph 2. This presents the number of different household types in Charvil
    • Graph 3. This graph presents the ethnic make up of Charvil at the 2011 census

Charvil Demographics PDF